Beautiful Scenery with A Refreshing “Breeze,” A Journey of Probity Education for Chinese and Foreign Teachers

On April 19, representatives of Chinese and foreign teachers from NZUWI gathered at the Hong Ancestral Hall in Xixi Wetland to carry out the practice of probity education as well as family education and values. Teachers' representatives learned history together, enhanced cultural confidence, and practiced good teacher ethics.

The Hong family has been thriving for hundreds of years, with diverse development. The Hong family is a prestigious family in Chinese history, which is closely related to the excellent cultural traditions, such as being brave in taking on family and social responsibilities, valuing achievements over fame and fortune, supporting the good and loving the people, and passing on education and family traditions.


The teachers watched videos of family values and read about the cultural traditions of the Hong family, and they were deeply moved by the noble qualities of the ancestors of the Hong family. Teachers sat together to drink lotus plumule tea and shared thoughts. Everyone agreed that the inheritance of probity education and family traditions is not only a form of cultural education, but also a spiritual inheritance. As teachers, they recognize that they should lead by example, and integrate the qualities of honesty and self-discipline into daily teaching and management of their work.


In the solemn atmosphere of the Hong Ancestral Hall, the teachers seemed to travel through time and space and had a dialogue with the ancestors of the Hong family. Everyone listened to the legendary story of the Hong family and felt the persistence of upholding integrity and inheriting virtues. Every stele, every family instruction, seemed to tell the spirit and character of an era. The teachers were deeply touched.


This activity made teachers feel that the inheritance of probity education, as well as the family education and values, is not only the inheritance of history, but also the expectation for the future. It reminds every teacher to shoulder the responsibility of cultivating the next generation, and attending more to cultivating students' moral qualities, guiding them to establish correct values and outlook on life.

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