Our Four Years: Leave the Perfect Footnote

From April 24 to 29, NZUWI launched the graduation thesis (capstone) defense of its 2020 Cohort graduates.



The graduation thesis work for students majoring in Finance started in September 2023. After completing the matching between the supervisors and the students, supervisors issued preliminary tasks based on the research direction and interests of the students. Subsequently, the students consulted relevant literature and began their literature reviews and writing their proposals. After completing their initial drafts, they began to repeatedly revise and polish their papers. After many rounds of review and guidance, students completed the final drafts of their graduation theses. Throughout the process, students were guided by their supervisors and proceeded with each step in an orderly manner.

Miao Yiyao, from BBF2003, recalled the process of preparing for her graduation defense. She changed the topic during the preliminary preparation work due to the survey results. She focused on the classification of papers to make the framework clearer and more complete, and closely integrated the various models and theories with the selected topics. She also attached great importance to details, adding her own "ingenious ideas" to the production of her PPT to enhance clarity of communication. In addition, she prepared questions that may be asked in advance so that she could " fight prepared battles." In the process of defense, Yiyao kept her mind sharp, timely adjusted her state, and accurately captured the information points asked by the supervisors during the defense. All the details of effort and preparation are indispensable,and only then can students show what they have learned and gained in the four years of university, thus achieving a happy ending for their undergraduate studies.

Convention and Exhibition Economics and Management

The graduation design task for students majoring in Convention and Exhibition Economics and Management began in October 2023. It has gone through a series of important steps from the topic selection to the first draft, to the writing of the proposal report and media report, and finally to the submission and revision of the first draft.


The process of preparing for graduation was both difficult and challenging, but also provided students with many developmental opportunities. BDM2001 Ge Yanni’s graduation thesis topic was "Audience Experience of Smart Venues". She elaborated on the background analyses, positioning targets, planning schemes, marketing promotion and other aspects. In preparing for her defense, she said she faced many challenges. Firstly, it was the collection of information. Due to the large sample size required, the task of collecting nearly 500 survey questionnaires caused her considerable difficulties. Secondly, it was difficult to combine theory with practice and form persuasive defense content by thinking and summarizing based on her practical experience. However, Yanni was still full of enthusiasm. For the younger students who are about to study the Convention and Exhibition Economics and Management, she said that they should maintain their love and interest in this major so that they can stick to the goals when they encounter difficulties. At the same time, students should pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, participate in more projects, and accumulate experience. In addition, students should continue to learn and improve their learning qualities and always pay attention to the industry dynamics and cutting-edge technologies to keep current within their professional fields.

Industrial Design

The graduation project of " Authentic Questions and Authentic Work" has been progressing to the second session. On October 20 last year, NZUWI held the listing ceremony of the college-enterprise collaboration · Ingenuity Builds Dreams · Create a Better Future Together - "Based on Industrial Demand" 2024 graduation design launch meeting and industry-education integration practice base. At the event site, many enterprise representatives released their graduation design needs in combination with the company's main businesses and market demands. The students majoring in industrial design in the class of 2024 selected the corresponding contents as their graduation projects based on their own interests and abilities. In the following months, they completed the work under the guidance of college supervisors and enterprise mentors. The students' final works were judged by the businesses and the market. The mode of college-enterprise collaboration realized the internationalization, compounding and application of talent training, providing graduates with valuable opportunities to apply the knowledge they have learned to practical problems.


In front of and behind the scenes

A "pre defense"

On the evening of April 25, students supervised by Dr. Sultan Mirza took the floor and presented their papers. As they presented, some junior students watched the scene - a graduation "pre-defense" was carried out. Junior students had the opportunity to ask senior students questions, and senior students also had the opportunity to practice in advance.


Volunteer training

The success of every major event cannot be separated from the efforts of volunteers. Before the formal defense, the teacher gave training to the assistants. During the defense process, they helped the supervisors maintain order, record scores, and control time to ensure the smooth progress of the graduation thesis defense.


"Staggered peak defense" during the employment season

April 27 was the unified graduation thesis (capstone) defense day of NZUWI, as well as the examination day for public institutions in Zhejiang Province. In order to meet the employment needs of graduates, NZUWI organized a separate defense for students taking the examination.


In the process of graduation thesis (capstone) defense, the students gave speeches in fluent English, giving full play to the academic skills accumulated over four years. With their carefully prepared graduation works, the students showed their academic literacy level. During the defense process, the teachers in each group were serious and responsible, adhering to the principles of fairness and impartiality, giving full attention and careful evaluation to every student who participated in the defense. According to the graduation theses (capstones) submitted by the students, teachers conducted in-depth questions from different angles, aiming to comprehensively test the academic ability and depth of thinking of the students. In the face of the teacher's questions, the students showed a solid language foundation and good expression skills. They interpreted the contents of their works with rigorous academic attitudes, meeting the graduation season with full enthusiasm and showing their infinite aspirations and expectations for the future. 

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