Long-term exchange experience in New Zealand | Distant knowledge, culture, and scenery

From July to November 2023, 15 students from NZUWI embarked on a long-term exchange trip to the University of Waikato in New Zealand. In addition to gaining knowledge and experience, these students also gained good news - recently, nine of them were awarded the University of Waikato International Bursary for NZUWI Students.


This exchange experience was not only an exploration of knowledge, but also an important opportunity to explore the unknown, expand horizons, and enrich personal sensibilities. During this short and meaningful journey, the students touched the pulse of different cultures and experienced the power of teamwork.

"Gain knowledge, gain growth"

BBF 2004 Ji Shiyu


When I look back on my exchange experience at the University of Waikato, I am deeply moved by the preciousness and richness of that time. In the campus of the University of Waikato, I wandered through the vast grasslands to read books, and ate in the brand-new canteen. Like NZUWI, UW's teachers are also very patient, using clear pronunciation to explain content in class, and even asking if we can keep up with the class progress.


In UW, I communicated and cooperated with students from different countries, shared different cultures and ways of thinking, and became more inclusive. The club activities of UW were also very interesting, and the culture sought common ground while reserving differences in the flourishing club. UW also organized regular activities in the dormitory, providing delicious food and holding interesting games. During my time at UW, I not only gained knowledge, but also gained unique growth.


In addition, in New Zealand, I also experienced the hot-air balloon festival and other distinct activities. I went to the geopark, and went skydiving, surfing and so on. These valuable experiences have enabled me to gain knowledge and skills, as well as a broader understanding of the world. The learning experience at UW has made me more outgoing and confident, and I believe that these valuable experiences will remain with me for a lifetime.


"Broaden horizons, harvest memories"

BBF 2001 Huang Heliu


In UW, I felt the richness of knowledge and the challenges of learning. UW provided a wealth of courses and learning resources, allowing me to be exposed to knowledge in various fields, expanding my horizons and ways of thinking.


Learning also needs self-study and self-management. Teachers in UW always set time-limited assignments in class, requiring us to answer the questions in a limited time. Time assignments are a challenging way to learn, often based on video or essay content. The time-limited assignment not only requires us to preview in advance, but also requires us to improve our focus and problem-solving abilities. Through such assignments, I have learned to quickly understand and absorb knowledge in a short period of time, and have also exercised my thinking speed and adaptability. It was a challenge for me, but also a valuable learning experience that allowed me to better adapt to the pace of efficient learning.


In the student dormitory, a cat named Ash became our friend, and it often visited each room. Ash had his own small bowl in the hallway on the second floor, and we often prepared some food for it when we went to the supermarket. Whenever I saw it playing in the corridor of the student dormitory, I felt warm and friendly, which made me love this place full of vitality even more.


The locals place great emphasis on physical health and love sports. The campus gym was always full, and there were a variety of outdoor sports activities in the school. This lifestyle has made me deeply realize the importance of exercise for physical health. During my study and life in New Zealand, I not only had the opportunity to participate in various exciting sports, such as skydiving, surfing and jet skiing, but also had the opportunity to experience many colorful activities, such as firefly cave exploration, geothermal park hiking, watching the sunrise on Tauranga Beach. These colorful activities have made me love life more and cherish every opportunity to interact with nature. In my studies and life in New Zealand, I not only gained knowledge, but also gained endless beautiful memories.


"Enjoy the scenery, keep striving"

BDM2002 Chen Yingjie


I experienced so many "firsts" at UW. For the first time in studies within my major, I tried to learn how to create a unique podcast, how to curate an engaging exhibition, and how to produce a practical App.


Outside the classroom, I not only participated in the rich campus activities such as dance, but also made good friends from all over the world. I was fortunate to experience the stunning natural and cultural landscapes of the South Island as well as the North Island. The exchange time in UW had little leisure time, but everything witnessed that period of hard work and learning, which brought me significant progress and beautiful memories.


"Improve English and broaden thinking"

BBF2003 Zhou Qianyu


While studying abroad in New Zealand, I experienced many unique cultural experiences, broadened my horizons, and improved my language skills. New Zealand is a multicultural country.


Through participating in various cultural activities, I have experienced the cultural charm of different countries and regions. I visited the Maori Cultural Center, learned about the history and traditional culture of the Maori people, and deeply admired their bravery and wisdom. I tasted the local specialties, such as New Zealand seafood and traditional kumiss, which broadened my taste buds. In communicating with the local people, I learned that they attach great importance to environmental protection, health, and equality, which influenced my attitude towards life.


During my exchange studies, I also had the opportunity to participate in some unique holiday celebrations, such as the traditional Maori New Year celebration and the Ascension of Jesus. These activities have left a deep impression on me, allowing me to better understand New Zealand's culture and traditions.


New Zealanders have great respect for everyone's culture and traditions, and this inclusive attitude makes me feel very warm and relieved. While studying in New Zealand, I met many native English speakers. I communicated with both teachers and classmates in English daily, so I have made significant improvements in my language skills.


In the class, I not only learned knowledge of my major, but more importantly, improved my abilities in reading, writing, and speaking. I learned how to use correct grammar structures and vocabulary and improved my writing skills. At the same time, I actively participated in the English corner and speech contest organized by the university, which exercised my oral expression ability and enhanced my self-confidence. Through studying abroad, I broadened my international perspective and gained many valuable growth experiences.


In short, the exchange life in New Zealand has made me more independent and confident. In an unfamiliar environment, I handled various problems on my own and learned to solve difficulties. I learned to adapt to different cultures and lifestyles. I respected and accepted the cultural concepts of different countries and regions, and learned to get along with others as equals. This experience not only improved my interpersonal skills, but also broadened my way of thinking. Now I have a clearer plan and goal for my future.


"Face the challenge and grow"

BBF2003 Miao Yiyao

Based on the goal of further study and in order to adapt to the pace of study abroad in advance, I chose to study in the exchange program of the University of Waikato. In fact, the test began before departure: I handled the VISA, housing, and air tickets by myself. Although I ran into many hurdles, the process also achieved my original intention of adapting to studying abroad in advance. This overseas exchange experience allowed me to experience different educational models and lifestyles, and I adapted early to the overseas education.


Steven, the professor of ECONS306, impressed me deeply. He set up "experience demonstrations" in the course outline, which meant there were many small games in the lecture. I have never felt so involved in a class. The game had a reward and punishment mechanism: in order to win every game, I put 200% of my energy into it. In a game of "Depth of Thinking," Steven said there could only be one winner. When I saw that I was the winner in the next class, it was more exciting than winning the lottery.


Taking the bus in New Zealand was also fun. We greeted the driver when we got on and off the bus. We hit the stop button one stop ahead of time. We often encountered sluggish Google Maps positioning. These elements of life added a lot of fun to me.


Although the original intention of studying abroad may be "utilitarian", in the end, I truly harvested spiritual healing. With the progress of the semester, I deeply realized the shaping effect of environment on individuals. This experience has made me willing to give myself time to focus on personal growth and development.


"Answer questions, keep practicing"

BDI2101 Deng Zehao


Going to New Zealand to study is a very lucky thing. When I first arrived in New Zealand, I felt that everything was very new. The route from Auckland Airport to Hamilton was full of wide meadows and herds of cattle and sheep. At that time, it was late winter. The sun shined on the green lawn. A large area of grass was fluorescent. The lake in the campus was particularly clear, and the whole campus scenery gave people a broad and clear beauty.


After I got used to campus life, the most important thing was to deal with the study affairs. The teaching mode of the course in UW is like that of NZUWI, which is a combination of one lecture and one or two lab sessions a week. Lab classes provide students with independent study time and the opportunity to answer questions. Students can receive answers in the lab class. Students also have more practical opportunities and not just sit in front of a computer to type, such as DIY demos and field research. I think these are all significant modes of learning, and I really like the local teaching style.


There were also many unforgettable experiences in this exchange study, such as experiencing the local culture, communicating with overseas Chinese about their lives, and meeting students from different countries. Overall, it was a truly unforgettable experience.


"Cherish the class, cherish the culture"

BBF2003 Wang Qianqian


For me, having the opportunity to go abroad and learn foreign knowledge at close range is very rare, so I cherish it. In UW, I worked very hard and successfully completed my studies. I have improved my English level, learned advanced teaching concepts, increased my knowledge, broadened my vision, updated my ideas, and made great achievements.


Firstly, studying in New Zealand has brought me a brand-new cultural experience. During my time in New Zealand, I deeply felt the charm here. I tasted local cuisine, appreciated different styles of architecture, and felt the unique geographical environment of New Zealand. These experiences have given me a more comprehensive understanding of the world and made me cherish my cultural traditions.

Secondly, I learned to adapt and be independent. In an unfamiliar environment, I had to adapt to the local lifestyle and cultural habits as soon as possible. I learned to communicate with people from different countries, solved problems, and handled difficulties. Although this process sometimes made me feel confused and uneasy, luckily, I overcame the difficulties and became more confident and independent.


In addition, studying and living in New Zealand improved my language skills. In the process of communicating with the locals, I not only learned some basic everyday expressions, but also improved my listening and speaking skills. By interacting with non-native English speakers, I became more aware of the importance and diversity of languages.


When I was in New Zealand, I made some friends from different countries. We explored the local customs and shared our cultures and experiences together. These friendships not only enriched my interpersonal relationships, but also provided me with more learning opportunities and resources.


All in all, studying and living in New Zealand was a valuable experience, which will become a valuable treasure in my life and have a positive impact on my future development.


"Live independently and make new friends"

BBF2003 Jiang Xinran


In general, the study and life in New Zealand was a valuable experience. The four months in New Zealand have brought me many different experiences and enriched me a lot. My first class at the University of Waikato made me feel different. Although it was a lecture, the number of students was even less than that of tutorial classes in China. The teachers of each course were very easygoing and actively communicated with us. The course that impressed me most must be Digital Business and Supply Chain Management.


The teachers are all former high achievers. In the last 15 minutes of each class, the teachers gave us random cases and asked us to answer the questions on paper. We could not do much thinking in the limited time; it was still a bit challenging for me. We described every tutorial of this course as like "fighting", but I also gained growth.


In terms of accommodation, I was arranged to share a cottage with 4 other girls from different countries. Each person had a separate room, and had a shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. The first day I arrived, I was dragged by a roommate to chat for two hours, which shocked me as a person who crashed on the IELTS speaking test.


After that, my roommates taught me how to use various facilities in the dormitory, took me by bus, accompanied me to the supermarket, and traveled together. They helped me adjust quickly to life in New Zealand.


I went from being afraid I couldn't understand the cashier when I first got here to being able to go alone and solve problems with the library staff. During my travels, I was no longer afraid to communicate with other locals.


I feel more independent and have more of my own thoughts. I will no longer be afraid of problems, but will calmly solve them. I am very grateful to my parents for their unconditional support and NZUWI that held the exchange program, which gave me the opportunity to go out and see different scenery.


"Cross culture, communication and cooperation"

BBF2001 Zhou Rui


The exchange experience at the University of Waikato in New Zealand has given me a deep understanding of the international perspective of finance. Communicating with students and professors from all over the world, I not only understood the operation mechanism and development trend of financial markets in different countries, but also realized that finance is the core of globalization. By cooperating with international students to complete projects and discuss topics, I learned cross-cultural communication and cooperation, and expanded my horizons. During my studies at UW, I learned the core theoretical and practical skills in the field of finance in depth. In the class, the professors combined concrete cases and the latest research results to show us the complexity and challenge of financial markets.


By participating in practical projects and simulated trading, I not only deepened my understanding of financial theories, but also exercised my analytical ability and decision-making skills. In addition, the University of Waikato offered a variety of academic activities. I actively participated in various lectures, seminars, and industry exchanges. I also had in-depth exchanges with financial practitioners and academic experts to expand my personal network. These experiences enriched my academic life and laid a solid foundation for my future career development.


All in all, the exchange experience in the University of Waikato deepened my understanding of finance and expanded my international vision. This valuable experience will become an important asset for my future development. I will continue to study hard and strive for greater achievements in the financial field in the future.


We believe that through this exchange, students will have a deeper understanding that learning is not only the knowledge in books, but also that of the world itself, as well as the exploration of oneself. There are more beautiful landscapes in the distance to be discovered and explored.


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