Returning to work was promptly followed by a fierce battle of resuming school. Ever since NZUWI announced its return to school, the staff at Zhejiang University City College (ZUCC) have set out to prepare.

First, we prepared for returning to school altogether. Three staff meetings were held by NZUWI to convey the spirit of returning to school and the overall work arrangement. We carefully deliberated and discussed the work plan of NZUWI for the safety of returning teachers and students and the simultaneous development of online and offline teaching. With the focus on safety and education, we worked together to make decisions on several matters, while continuously looking for ways to improve the overall plan of NZUWI for returning to school.


Second, we ensured all information was readily available to our community through multiple communication channels. Several meetings were held to communicate the work and study arrangements of the school, including when the return to school would take place, and sharing the optimization plan of the school to all staff and students. Some staff members, such as teachers in charge of students affairs and mentors were online 24-hours a day to respond the students questions and concerns.


Third, we arranged all teaching based work. Returning to school means resuming stable learning. Teaching is the core of campus work. Because of the school's work arrangement with voluntarily returning to school, and the strict requirements of epidemic prevention and control, Academic and Student Affairs Office (ASAO) continuously adjusted and optimized the teaching affairs. This meant they had to be flexible with the class schedule, number of students, the size of classroom, epidemic prevention requirements, and both online and offline functions accordingly. At the same time, the technicians worked extra time keep the equipments workable, resource allocated appropriately and optimization for the online and offline teaching to ensure the safe, stable and orderly teaching activities after students return to school.


Finally, we found a way to support our staff and students by looking over the logistics of the campus. To ensure the safety of teachers and students, everyone who enters Art Building 6 will be required to take their temperature. Meanwhile, disposable hand sanitizer units have been placed on each floor of the hall so everyone can sanitize at any time. On the scene of students' registration, NZUWI carefully prepared a "health bag" for everyone, which includes facial masks, disinfection wipes, mosquito repellent spray and other epidemic prevention materials to help support students. The volunteer service team serve students at the registration site, helping them carry their luggage(s) and quickly complete the registration process.

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