


(I) Special Scholarship of NZUWI

1. Xueyuan TANG Elite Scholarship: 8 outstanding students enrolled at NZUWI will be rewarded with 20,000RMB per person, including 4 students from Finance,2 students from Convention Economy and Management, 2 students from Industrial Design.

2. International Exchange Scholarship: ZUCC attaches much importance to international exchanges and has specifically established international exchange scholarships to support students of the UW College for international exchange activities.

(II) Scholarships

1. National Scholarships: National Scholarship, National Encouragement Scholarship, Zhejiang Provincial Government Scholarship etc.

2. College Scholarships: Professional Elite Scholarship, Academic Excellence Scholarship, Innovation Entrepreneurship Scholarship, Foreign Exchange Scholarship etc.

3. Other Scholarships: Scholarships established by enterprises and public institutions or inPiduals in the College.


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